On Tuesday 19 2022, the Social Security Board hosted the Joe’s Hill Manor Estate Homeowners Workshop at the Eileene L. Parsons Auditorium.
The aim of the Homeowners Workshop was to provide prospective homebuyers with the details needed to successfully purchase a home at Joe’s Hill Manor Estate. The evening’s proceedings consisted of presentations on money management, sales and covenants, homeowners’ associations, and a panel discussion on the mortgage process.
The Homeowners Workshop was attended by 132 people and featured commercial booths from banks participating in the panel discussion. The panel hosted by Mr. Ian Smith featured representatives from the National Bank of the Virgin Islands, Republic Bank, First Bank, First Caribbean International Bank and Banco Popular.
Providing her outlook on the event, Director of the Social Security Board, Mrs. Jeanette Scatliffe Boynes said: “The workshop was a success and now that the applicants have received the pertinent details, we look forward to commencing the advanced stages of the homebuying process.” When asked ‘How soon can we expect residents on the Estate?’, Scatliffe Boynes commented: “If the pre-approval process continues as smoothly as the verification phase, we can expect to see persons in the homes as early as January 2023.”
The execution of the Homeowners Workshop marks the completion of the ‘verification phase’ (Phase One) of the Joe’s Hill Manor Estate Applicant Selection Process. For further details on the way forward, verified applicants can contact the Social Security Housing Committee by calling 852-7805/852-7827 or emailing ssbhd@vissb.vg.

Charis Hoyte
Written By:
SSB Public Relations Officer
Email: choyte@vissb.vg
Telephone: 1 (284)-852-7896