Effective Monday 6 February 2023, the Social Security Board will resume accepting applications for the remaining homes at The Joe’s Hill Manor Estate.
Interested applicants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, as homes will be sold on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, subject to their bank’s approval. To qualify for a home, applicants must be a BVIslander/Belonger, a first-time owner, and an intended occupant of the Estate.
Interested applicants are advised that the deadline for application submission is March 15, 2023. Applications can be found and submitted directly via the SSB website. To apply, visit www.vissb.vg and select ‘Joe’s Hill Manor Estate’. Further details, including house specifications and pricing can also be found.
For more information, interested persons can also contact the SSB Housing Committee by calling 852-7805/852-7827 or by e-mailing ssbhd@vissb.vg .
The Social Security Board would like to take this time to congratulate the successful candidates of The Joe’s Hill Manor Estate, as they finalize the purchase of their homes.

Charis Hoyte
Written By:
SSB Public Relations Officer
Email: choyte@vissb.vg
Telephone: 1 (284)-852-7896