The Social Security Board is financed by contributions payable by:
- Employers
- Employees
- Self Employed
- Voluntary Contributors
Working for more than one employer?
If you work for more than one employer, each employer must deduct and pay contributions on your behalf. If your combined contributions exceed the maximum contributions payable, you will receive a refund from the Social Security Board.

Rates of Contribution
- Private Employees: 8 1/2 % of insurable earnings*
- Employees contribute 4%; Employers contribute 4 1/2%
- Civil Servants: 7 1/2% of insurable earnings*
- Civil Servants contribute 3 1/2%; Government contribute 4% –
(Civil servants are not covered for Sickness Benefit).
- Self-Employed Persons: 8 1/2% of insurable earnings*
- Voluntary Contributors: 7% of earnings established by the Board
(Voluntary Contributors are only covered for Age, Invalidity, Funeral and Survivors Benefits).
*(Insurable earning is the amount of income on which Social Security contributions are deducted).

Contribution Forms
Please note:
Please use “Employer Remittance Form I” for Initial Remittance of Contributions. Print this Form on Legal Size (11×14) Paper.)
Please use “Employer Remittance Form II” for adding additional Remittance of Contributions from Form I. Print this Form on Legal Size (11×14) Paper..)