Social Security delegates from the Caribbean, the USA, Costa Rica and Mexico met in Barbados June 6 – 9, 2017 for dual meetings of the 28th CARICOM Heads of Social Security and the Commission on Organization and Administrative Systems (CAOSA). 


The Commission on Organization and Administrative Systems (CAOSA) focused on Social Security in      the digital era. Topics of discussion included the Digital Nudge in Social Security Administration; Challenges in Social Security in the Digital Era and Digital Agendas in the Region: How to face the challenges in Social Security.

Participants also engaged in a strategic planning exercise as COSA was assessed and adjustments are forthcoming. The strategic process defined the who, what and how of the CAOSA. As a means of strengthening the organization, delegates defined common goals, established priorities and agreed on operational procedures.

The CARICOM Heads of Social Security held discussions on the proposed amendments to the CARICOM Agreement on Social Security, interventions under the Tenth European Development Fund, mechanism for coordinating regional social security matters and social security training programs.

High on the agenda was Enterprise Risk Management as social security officials discussed and strategized the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the activities of the social security organizations in order to minimize the effects of risk on its capital and earnings.

The meetings culminated with a 50th Anniversary Gala & Gems Awards Ceremony for the Barbados National Insurance Scheme – the oldest Social Security system in the Caribbean.

Representing the BVI Social Security Board were Board member, Ms. Vareen Vanterpool, Director Antoinette Skelton and Deputy Director Jeanette Scatliffe Boynes.


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