your contributions
Securing Your Tomorrow..Today
Social Security is a compulsory insurance plan to which employers, employees, self-employed and voluntary contributors contribute. Social Security is designed to protect insured persons from financial distress by providing partial income replacement when certain contingencies arise.
Make sure you are registered! – To register, fill out an employee’s registration form. The form must be submitted with proof of birth (certificate of birth, passport, etc.). Upon registration, you will be given your Social Security Card.

Download the 2023 Insurable Earnings.
Remember, contributions are due by the 14th of the month, following the month which they are due.
Payments made on or after the 15th on the month will incur a 5% penalty.
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Learn about our benefits
Understanding Your Benefits
Feel free to download our very informative booklet, highligting all the benefits that the Social Security Board offers it’s contributors.
Always check on your contributions
Contributions and benefits go hand in hand. So always check on your contributions to make sure you are up to date.
Contributions = Benefits